Red Knot and Curlew Sandpipers - credit: Robert Clemens

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rotary?
Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders. Members of Rotary clubs, known as Rotarians, provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. There are 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. As signified by the motto Service Above Self, Rotary's main objective is service - in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.
Who are Rotarians?
Rotarians are people like you and me. Traditionally; they have been persons in positions of leadership in their respective businesses, however Rotary has expanded into a welcoming, inclusive and diverse community service organisation. All our Rotary Clubs are keen to ensure their club is made up of people representative of their diverse communities and someone who wants to make a difference whilst having a lot of fun. Do you want to make a difference?
Can my company be a member of a Rotary Club?
Only individuals can be a member of a Rotary Club, however a number of clubs now offer corporate membership where generally a business can nominate an individual as their Club Rotarian and then participate in the many local, national or internationals Rotary programs - please contact your local club to further explore this option.
Am I allowed to bring other people along to Rotary?
Absolutely yes! You are most welcome to bring along guests at any time. If the guest is a potential member, the club policy is that the club will generally fund one visit as a guest. Beyond the first visit, the visitor will then pay for themselves for their meeting. If you have a partner and/or children, they are also most welcome to attend Rotary at any time.
Am I required to attend a certain amount of meetings?
Rotarians generally attend club meetings and designated service activities, however clubs now embrace flexible arrangements for members as we all understand the difficulties that can arise in balancing family, work and community.
As a Rotarian, you can attend any other Rotary Club anywhere in the world. There are 48 other Rotary Clubs in our District 9820 alone and many more across Metropolitan and Regional Victoria.
The best way to locate a Rotary Club to visit, particularly if you are away on business or holidays, is to check the Rotary International Website - www.rotary.org and this will list all clubs in an area. Generally, Rotary Clubs meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner and while cost may vary, they will generally be around $20 to $25 for your meal. There are also now many on-line meetings held by Rotary Clubs across the world, which may be available to you.



Jason Scott Honoured

Oct 2024

Retiring Newhaven College Vice Principal, Jason Scott, was recently honoured for his dedication to Rotary Youth Programs.

Throughout his career, Jason was a respected educator and a strong advocate for Rotary Youth Programs, providing students with opportunities to engage in transformative experiences.

Jason's support for Rotary programs, including the Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA), the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), and the Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA), left a lasting impact on the Newhaven College community. His efforts extended to the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN), which builds leadership and confidence in young people, and the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF), where students delve into advanced scientific research.

In recognition of his significant contributions, the Rotary Club of Phillip Island and San Remo recently honoured Jason upon his retirement, expressing deep gratitude for his dedication. Brian Holloway, of the Rotary Club, highlighted Jason's ability to thoughtfully select students who would benefit most from these programs, noting his deep understanding of their needs. The Club thanked Jason for his unwavering commitment and wished him every success in his retirement, celebrating his impact on both education and Rotary Youth Programs.